Will, Vern, Fred and all,
The discussion of the folding winscreen is interesting and prompts me to ask
a mechanical question.
My '91 +8 came to me with the folding windscreen and Brooklands racing
screens (Cantab issue as they were not part of the original build list as
provided by the works, but was on the original bill of sale to the first owner).
My question deals with the rearview mirror. I currently have a contemporary
mirror which is rather stuck to the middle of the glass (looks like scotch
double sided tape from here), and when the windscreen is in the folded
position, reflects to the sky, not the view behind the driver.
The windscreen has a small "L" shaped tab which extends below the center of
the lower edge of the windscreen and features a hole through which, I
assume, a screw helped secure the screen to the scuttle, before it became a
folding unit. The tab appears to be soldered, brazed or otherwise attached
to the winscreen frame before plating, so removing it would be difficult.
Meanwhile it covers the spot where a scuttle mounted mirror might sit.
I know the Americanized mirror has some mysterious rules regarding
placement, but have not yet discovered their details.
Can anyone shed some light? Do any of the other, more contemporary Morgans
(1990+) have folding windscreens and working mirrors? If so, how do they
work? What would be the "proper" mirror for use with the folding screen?
Thanks all. As usual, your comments are always thought provoking, and often
Grafton, OH
1991 +8