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Re: rear licence mounts

Subject: Re: rear licence mounts
From: William Zehring <zehrinwa@UMDNJ.EDU>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 08:07:14 -0500 (EST)
Greg P. opines:

>       Jest a D*mn minit, Zehring!
>       We take a dim view of TR baiting, Here at Standard Farms...>:-[ How 
>       many Pintos can plow a field, pull a stump AND turn decent times 
>       autocrossin'?
>       Not many I'd wager...
>       BTW, Triumph did try the DOHC trick... Found 2 cylinders more did 
>       it better... `though Sabrina did look rather... fetcing
>       Greg "In the Triumph Patch" Petrolati
>                         1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
>       "That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
> Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois

I can't decide which is more fun here: chatting endlessly over the arcana 
of Morgans or getting a rise out of lurkers like Greg.  Now, listen, I 
have nothing against the triumph engine, and I'm frank to confess that I 
have always lusted after the early TR4s (the ones with the white dash) 
and have caught myself staring at a few TR250s too (this coming from a 
man who would generally rather push an B than drive a 6).  So, let me 
claim to be somewhat openminded.  It was a low blow, that Pinto remark.  
We 4/4 owners can help what they did in Dearborn lo these many years 
ago.  At least the pintos in the bone yard are sources of blocks and 
heads for us now and again.  

I tend to agree with the other gentleman (other? there's more than one of 
us?) who admits that while the straight line speeds for the +4 are 
doubtless superior to those of the 4/4, I'll sit in my eager little 4/4 
on the autocross track ANY day!  Give me free reving, good breathing, 
light weight, small displacement fours anyday.

he who might possibly be talking through his hat,
Will Zehring

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