I appreciate this info very much Kelvin.
Being in The Netherlands - Europe seems not an easy thing to obtain this
kit, which seems a very useful solution. The diagram on the website has
given me more info, so I can alter the wiring in my GT by myself.
Being an electrics engineer by study, this should be not problem.
Thanks again!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dodd, Kelvin" <doddk@mossmotors.com>
To: "Hans Duinhoven" <h.duinhoven@planet.nl>; "Monte/Jane Morris"
<montejane@gmail.com>; "Max Heim" <max_heim@sbcglobal.net>
Cc: "MG List" <mgs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:10 PM
Subject: RE: Victoria British Euro Crystal Clear Headlights
Check out the following link:
Scroll down and look for the headlight relay kit.
Dan Masters makes this really nice fused relay block for handling the
headlights. Once installed the column and headlamp rocker switches will
only have to handle the low switching current. This is a nice setup to
take the load off the original tired and dirty switches. An added
benefit is that Dan uses original color code wiring and high quality
components unlike some of the cheap kits on the market.
You can mimic the kit by using the schematic as a guide and source local
The relay block would mount under the bonnet and pick up power from
spare terminal on the fuse box that the brown wires connect to. Then the
new headlamp wires would head forward to the bulbs.
If you are in Southern California, give me a shout. I live about 50
miles north of LA.
All the best
-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Duinhoven [mailto:h.duinhoven@planet.nl]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 10:26 AM
To: Dodd, Kelvin; Monte/Jane Morris; Max Heim
Cc: MG List
Subject: Re: Victoria British Euro Crystal Clear Headlights
Thanks Kelvin,
Yes it is the cluster you have mentioned.
It concerns a 1971 BGT.
So I recon, that the relay does not really offload the wiring, only the
switch, which already had to be replaced once when I had a short circuit
the red wiring. (heater control cable was lose and hitting the
Story is in the archieves - I am sure.
So where should I take the current draw somewhere in the engine bay,
where I
better place the relay instead of near the lights switch?
As you are in Calif and I have changed job to a company closely working
Calif based companies, there might be a chance to see me overthere in
Check out the following link:
Scroll down and look for the headlight relay kit.
Dan Masters makes a really nice fused relay block for handling the
headlights. Once installed the column and headlamp rocker switches will
only have to handle the low switching current. This is a nice setup to
take the load off the original tired and dirty switches. An added
benefit is that Dan uses original color code wiring and high quality
components unlike some of the cheap kits on the market.