Opinions vary. Some say rock it violently i.e push down on the rim one side
while pulling up on the rim the other side, reversing rapidly. Personally
I've always got mine off by slackening the nut so there are a couple of
clear threads but still plenty engaged (probably advisable with the rocking
method as well), bracing my knees against the back of the rim each side,
then tapping the end of the column smartly with a hammer. If your aim isn't
good hit a large diameter drift or dolly resting on the end of the shaft.
Some say that will collapse a collapsible column, well if you belted it with
a sledge-hammer without bracing the back you might. Puller would be my last
resort, it would probably damage the wheel if it didn't come off with the
previous two methods.
----- Original Message -----
> Any hints on pulling the 3 spoke wheel?