The solenoid makes very little noise in the LH overdrive. You may not
hear it.
John Esposito, Quantum Mechanics, tests the ODs on his bench by
driving the input shaft with a 1/2" electric drill. Though that will not
give you a good test of the clutch, it will allow you to see the drop in
output RPM when OD is engaged and disengaged. You may find that you have
OD on third and fourth.
His web site might be of interest to you. I do not have the exact
address, but a search for Quantum Mechanics should find it.
On Tue, 23 May 2006 13:01:34 -0400 "Ray Wygonik" <RWYGONIK@iup.edu>
> I've been off the list for awhile but need your help.
> Several years ago I purchased a LH overdrive transmission on ebay
> from a
> garage in England. I am now just getting around to putting it in
> the car
> but want to be sure that it works before I intall it.
> The solenoid works when it is out of the transmission, but when it
> is
> installed I can't tell if it is working or not. It seems as if I
> should be
> able to hear some type of click or tap sound when power is put to
> it.
> Can anybody offer any advice or anthing else I should check before I
> install
> the transmission? I did have the transmission in 4th gear and I
> also
> bypassed the gear selector switch and put power directly to the
> solenoid but
> could not hear anything when power was supplied.