I like the idea of tightening and loosening.
I also like to tap or rap the head of the fastener using a punch & hammer. It
also helps knock the rust loose during the foaming process.
I've used Ed's method also. I think if one raps the head before the twist you
might have better luck.
In fact, on fasteners 1/4 inch and larger, I've found an impact wrench very
usfull IF you turn the torque down to the point where it would only turn a
slightly stiff fastener. Then you keep switching the direction back and forth,
apply P.B. Blaster, etc. As the fastener starts to come loose, don't
be tempted to just power it out. Keep running it in and out applying your rust
breaking solution. You need to use a 6 point socket otherwise you run
the risk of knocking of the edges of the hex.