<<What have you found to work the best?>>
First, one of the best kept secrets for doing this sort of thing is throw
WD-40 in the trash<G><G>!!!
Next, if you FOAM you next choice of penatrent on and allow to soak......
WALK away!!
THEN give each fastener a TIGHTEN mini-crank;
Then, RE-foam.
WALK away!!
Then, an Un-Do (just a TAD!!!!). Do NOT "crank" on it!!!!
Then re-foam.
WALK away!!
Then TIGHTEN (just a tad!!!)
WALK away!!
Keep on going as above and 99.9% of time, fastener WILL "un-do"!!!
I have only been beaten ONCE in a VERY long time and that was aChevy alt.
both (org) going thru an aluminum sleeve!! Ain't gonna happen (but I did