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RE: What is with MGB jacks?

To: <>
Subject: RE: What is with MGB jacks?
From: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 11:50:21 -0700
Unfortunately the MGB was built on a budget, and it seems a lot of
savings were reached by specifying a poorly made jack.  

The jacks have a tendency of failing in two main areas.  The sliding
block can strip out, and/or the bevel gears will fail.  The former can
be very entertaining when the car is close to the top of the travel.  

These design flaws are exacerbated by the jacks sitting in damp boots
for years before being needed.  

Good condition side lift jacks have been in short supply since the 80s.
The good news is that the reproduction models now on the market have
better materials and have been carefully overload tested.  They still
have the same drawbacks, if the sliding block is not lubricated the
threads will gall and fail over time and the bevel gears will wear, but
the materials are better.   

Kelvin Dodd

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Of
> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 10:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: What is with MGB jacks?
> They made how many thousand MGBs over the years?
> And of those thousands, how many are still being used?
> And the jacks didn't change much over those years?
> So why is that everyone wants a mint for a jack?
> It seems to me that there should be a surplus of jacks lying around
> solely on the number of cars sold vs. the number of cars being driven.
> guess I need some enlightenment on this.

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