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Resistive Cable

Subject: Resistive Cable
From: Wil Clark <>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 11:39:09 -0500
Hi all,

Long time digest lurker, yearning for the day that I have my '76 B back on the 
road.  And now the engine is in and rather nice.  However, the comedy of errors 
that was loading and transporting my B back home (it's not drivable yet and now 
sans front bumper) revealed a rather disconcerting problem:  My gorgeous, NEW 
wiring harness is fried.  Well, ok not so much fried (the engine runs, I dare 
not test anything else at the moment) but one wire was really hot at some 
point. Hot enough to not only melt its own insulation, but also split/melt the 
blue over wrap in several places.

The wire in question is Pink/White.  The only reference to a KW wire I have 
found is on Skye Poier's site: "Ballast terminal to ignition distributor" 
(guess I should donate now).  My wire in question doesn't directly go 
from "Ballast terminal to ignition distributor" but does in a round about 
way...  Looking over the wiring diagram in the Haynes manual I find a fairly 
good representation of this wire and it's connections and it happens to 
correspond to a component labeled "62 Resistive Cable".  As such it makes no 
reference to color on the wiring diagram.

I am hoping that those of you with far more experience than I can confirm that 
I am at the right place.  Mine is connected to a WLG wire on one end and three 
W wires on the other.  Note that Haynes shows the WLG on one end and two W and 
a WN on the other while the wiring diagram in the BL _... Workshop Manual..._ 
shows three W wires.  So, do I have the correct wire/component and does is have 
any special properties or can I replace it with any multi-stranded wire of the 
same gauge routed with the same length and hopefully color combination?



'76B with heart, uh, wire burn

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