Same here - I have Hagerty and as far as I know they are the only ones who
provide unlimited milage instead of the usual 2500.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Councill, David" <>
To: "MG List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:32
Subject: RE: Classic Auto Insurance
> Well I have been using Hagerty for three or four years. I have full
> coverage on both 67BGT and 72B (insured for 5k and 10k). And I don't
> recall what I pay per year but its somewhere around $150 total. You can
> check their website to get more details on what they provide and the
> restrictions (no mileage restriction but car should be garaged, need to
> have regular insured "daily" driver) -
> David Councill
> 67 BGT
> 72 B