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Re: Sill repair

To: "TJ Tryon, Jr." <>,
Subject: Re: Sill repair
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 17:01:19 +0100
You really need to get hold of a copy of Lyndsay Porter's 'Guide to Purchase
and DIY Restoration of the MGB', republished as 'The MGB Restoration
Manual'. It covers this and many other things in quite a bit of detail.

It's shouldn't be particularly difficult (I haven't had to do any of mine
yet although I have done other body-work) although it is a big job and not
for the faint-hearted.

Spending time to get correct alignment and good welding is the key.  I would
have said 1/2 to 1 day was extremely optimistic, it wouldn't surprise me if
you spent at least that cutting away the old metal and cleaning up (the site
you reference quotes 'several hours') and at least the same again lining up
and welding.  If you remove the doors to cut the old sills off then refit
and align with the front and rear wing creases before tacking the new sills
into position, even if you then take them off again.  Then there are the
front and rear wing cover panels to align and weld (again with doors on),
filling, shaping and painting.  MIG is fine, and make sure you use plenty of
power, blobby welds just on the surface are no good.


----- Original Message -----
From: "TJ Tryon, Jr." <>
To: "'MG Discussion'" <>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 3:25 PM
Subject: Sill repair

> OK, I'm getting ready to get started on the rocker repairs.  Unless I run
> into major issues, what kind of time am I looking at for doing each side?
> Door sill in great, I am replacing the inner sill (central membrane), the
> rocker panel (outer sill), and the horizontal member (sill base/castle
> section).  Any hints/tricks?  I've been going over a few websites that go
> throught it in pretty good detail
> nobody discusses the time involved.  I'm guessing 1/2 to 1 day per side...
> I'm assuming my wire feed (not mig) welder is good enough?

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