I had read the snopes article before posting, actually.
That doesn't mean Ford hasn't been getting grief for it.
The ad agency had put together the cat one, Ford didn't go for it and opted
for the pigeon one instead (I agree - the cat one is too harsh for
airing). But it did get released anyway on the net, and it's not agreed
whether or not Ford was okay for the release (sort of a weird form of viral
marketing - kind of anti-establishment). Ford officially protests it, but
some think some people wanted it to go around anyway to talk up the car.
At any rate, it does solve the cat-on-the-car problem quite neatly. :)
- Tab
At 08:21 PM 4/18/04, Dean T. Lake wrote:
>I had heard of this video and mistakenly thought I'd seen it already.
>In actuality what I had seen was the similar video that used a pigeon as
>its victim. This was a hoot - a very disturbing hoot - but a hoot
>nonetheless. Thanks for sharing!
>Check out the above link for one explanation of the story behind this
>By the way, the Snopes.com website is an extraordinarily useful
>reference for anything you ever see online or via email. It's the first
>place you should check out before sharing anything you receive via
>email. Beyond its utility at getting to the nitty-gritty on urban
>legend and the like, it is a very entertaining site to peruse.