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RE: Off-topic: Viruses and Macs

To: <>, "MG List" <>
Subject: RE: Off-topic: Viruses and Macs
From: "Jerry Erbesfield" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 22:38:37 -0400
Eric -

Just an FYI: You are trying to put words into my mouth. I did NOT defend the
Widows operating system in any way shape or form. Never one word about it.
Never mentioned or hinted at ANY discussion about Windows verses Mac OS. I
never went there. I don't know where you got that from. You are reading
something into it that is simply not there.

My entire comments were about Apple Computers, their financial condition and
Microsoft's help extended to them. That's all. Additionally, what I said was
factual, a matter of record, not fictional, no matter how anyone else might
try to spin it.

My comments were NOT a defense of the Microsoft Windows operating system or
a knock on any of the Mac operating systems. Actually I feel that the new
Macs are pretty good systems. As I mentioned, we have even purchased one of
the new I-Macs and I like it. Really a neat system.

I won't go there either, so don't even try.

If there is any bias, YOU are the one going there with your comments.

By the way, I really go back as far as 1968 with computers. Wang computers,
before magnetic media, hole punch cards and paper spools. I used these
machines while doing Finance and Insurance contracts while in the automobile
business during that time. Didn't want to sound like I was bragging though.

EXCUSE ME for my "mistake" with the "PC" acronym, but "PC" IS what most
people refer to when making the comparison and I do believe that everybody
knew what I was talking about.

You are NOT going to draw me into, to use your (correct) vernacular, a Mac
PC versus Windows PC argument. Nobody can win that BATTLE. Too strong of
feelings both sides. I hope that I live long enough to see who does finally
win the WAR though!

YOU sure are defensive. You really love your Mac, huh?

By the way, I don't feel one bit embarrassed - because I never defended
anything. Anyone that was to re-read my comments will clearly see that.

-Jerry Erbesfield
73 B Black Beauty roadster

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 9:23 PM
To: MG List
Subject: RE: Off-topic: Viruses and Macs

Credentials - my first professional programming job 1n 1983 - my first
computer was an Amiga in 1986 (it was too advanced for its time).

Jerry wrote:
> in spite of the fact that PC's having made such advances so as to
> catch and maybe even surpass Macs in that area too (depends on your bias)

Only problem being, Jerry, that you are wrong (which doesn't make for a good
argument).  And that sentence quoted above only goes to show that bias and
personal predjudice can overcome any professional good judgement.

Yes, Windows PCs (as opposed to Mac PCs - they are all personal computers)
certainly need to make 'such advances so as to catch' the current MacOS -
compared to MacOSX the latest OS from Windows (hmm, what happened to ME?) is
soooo 20th century.

Why is it that Windows users/supporters have all these myths about
Strange - it must be the stuff of legends.

So-called professionals embarrass themselves when they defend Windows
systems (and most windows software - love that IIS <guffaw> :-) Defend the
efficacy of using a popular system but don't defend the system itself - it
technically indefensible.

See - I don't like Tr**mphs either - why? BECAUSE!!!

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