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Re: Off-topic: Viruses and Macs

To: MG List <>
Subject: Re: Off-topic: Viruses and Macs
From: Max Heim <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 22:51:55 -0700
I just have to refute this common fallacy. Yes, Microsoft gave Apple $150
million several years ago, ostensibly to settle licensing issues. But at the
time, Apple had $4 billion in cash reserves. So how did this measly $150
million "save" Apple? Basically, it was a bribe to keep them out of the
antitrust case. BTW, Apple still has billions in cash as of this quarter,
not to mention the highest margins in the computer business. Gateway should
be so lucky...

on 4/29/02 9:49 PM, Jerry Erbesfield at wrote:

> If it hadn't been for
> Microsoft's Bill Gates infusion of many millions of dollars into Apple
> Computers a few short years ago, Apple would already be dead.


Max Heim
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the primer red one with chrome wires

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