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Re: Removing Smog Controles-An Ethical Question

Subject: Re: Removing Smog Controles-An Ethical Question
From: Rocky Frisco <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 18:29:30 -0600
Barrie Robinson wrote:
> Bill,
> I fear my English heredity has got me into trouble again!   My comments
> where "tongue in cheek".  Thus my remarks were NOT in favour of ANY
> practice that contributes to our sadly polluted, animal endangered and
> overburdened earth.  I thought "Daddy's yacht" would have been a dead
> giveaway.  My Daddy does not have a yacht - - - it's my mother's (you see,
> there I go again!).  So that beer can you saw was NOT mine, neither was it
> my oil!
> So you can take it I am against your biologist and I am against running
> classics without taking due care about pollution.  Now had you said that
> you tuned your car so that the exhaust was as free from pollution as
> possible I would have been silent as many "old" cars steam through
> pollution tests!.  But just to say to hell with it my contribution is so
> small....... - (like the beer can and the oil spots on the ocean!!!)

Just to ease your mind some: when they set those high standards, the
military is always exempt. My friend from the motor pool tells me
they still vent the freon right into the air when they work on
military AC units, etc.

Compared to the amount of hydrocarbon pollution produced when one
big jet takes off, pollution produced by LBC's over their entire
useful life is negligible.

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