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Re: LBC sighting?

To: "Will Slater" <>, <>
Subject: Re: LBC sighting?
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 00:20:12 -0500
> In the meantime, last night I saw the movie Royal
> Tanenbaums. In it is a beautiful white sports car. It
> looks like a LBC of some type. It  has mirrors out on
> the fenders. Unfortunately it crashes toward the end
> of the movie.  Anyone seen the movie and recognize the
> vehicle? As an aside, I wonder if Hollywood actually
> destroys such a car for a movie scene.  If they do it
> seems such a shame.

Austin Healey 100-6... was the most exciting part of the movie for me
actually.  And yes, it did look like the really destroyed the car.  It
wasn't just some wreck with a nice paint job.


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