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Re: WTC disaster

To: Carl W French <>, MG <>
Subject: Re: WTC disaster
From: Peter Guagenti <>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:38:43 -0700
on 9/11/01 7:11 PM, Carl W French at wrote:

> this morning. I knew when the buildings went down that I had lost several
> hundred brother and sister Firefighter's, Paramedics and Police Officers. I

My wife and I both have a great deal of family and friends who are on the
force or are firefighters. Sadly, a great deal of both lost their lives
yesterday in the service of their fellow citizens.  My sister-in-law's
husband, who is a LT with the NYFD and was thankfully off-duty spending time
with his newborn daughter, lost his entire fire company yesterday.  They
were the first to respond.

All loss of life is dear, but remember this incident the next time you hear
about Police or Firefighters asking for standard-of-living wage increases,
better benefits, etc.  The NYC Police and Firefighters work for sub-standard
wages and receive little to no respect from the city and many of it's
citizens.  But that does not stop them from risking, and at times giving,
their lives to protect and save people like us.

Pray for these heroes and their families.


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