The usual cause of rapid clicking of the solenoid is either a flat battery
or bad connections in the heavy-current circuit. However I have had the
same symptom even with a good battery and verified heavy-current
connections, and it turned out to be a bad connection in the solenoid
operate circuit. This meant there was just enough voltage to operate the
solenoid, but as soon as the voltage made its normal drop once the starter
came into play, it fell below the hold-in voltage of the solenoid.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jesse Robinson <>
To: MG List <>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 8:07 PM
Subject: Car Not Starting
> MG List,
> My 'B' will not start. The battery is good; I read 13 volts with key off
> and 10 volts while cranking. I replaced the battery terminals and ground
> cable with new (I have one 12 volt battery). I followed the positive wire
> to the starter motor and saw no damage. I took all connections off the
> starter motor and sanded all wires to metal and re-assembled. Still
> start. I get a loud clicking. I'm guessing it is the solenoid? Does
> anything else click up there? I rapped the starter motor with a hammer
> tried rocking the car in fourth gear. I get one small turn of the starter
> motor for every 10-12 clicks.
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