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RE: Questions of an esoteric nature

To: <>
Subject: RE: Questions of an esoteric nature
From: "Will Brien" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 16:36:25 -0400
-----Original Message-----
From: Will Brien []
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 10:36 AM
To: Martin
Subject: RE: Questions of an esoteric nature


Thanks for the feedback.  I do want to improve the feel, handling and
performance of my car.  I do not want to go to jail.  However, if they allow
pre-74 vehicles on the road that don't meet current standards, why would
anyone get upset if one wants to return the vehicle to it's original spec?
It's not like the small number of modified B's would turn the tide of safety
on the road.  I know I'm being a little subjective here but I don't know if
you were being serious or not.  After all, giving me those good tips makes
you a co-conspirator, doesn't it.  Maybe we could request a double cell and
swap MG stories!

Anyway, as I said in my header...questions of an esoteric nature.

Yellow 77

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin []
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 10:23 AM
To: Will Brien
Subject: Re: Questions of an esoteric nature

What state do you live in? What you want to do is
VERY illegal in some states. You might warrant a
conspiracy charge even talking about it here.

To lower the front just remove and replace the front member from an early
MGB. R and R the carb and exhaust manifold with a down draft
weber and tube type header will help some. Your
engine will still have a retarded camshaft
and retarded distributor which will produce retarded performance.

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