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RE: How do I clean up all the spilled DOT4 clutch fluid ?

To: "MG Mailing List" <>
Subject: RE: How do I clean up all the spilled DOT4 clutch fluid ?
From: "Mark Dawson" <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 09:51:14 -0400
The best I can tell is to wash the car immediately with loads of water and
wipe it all away. I guess I'd try to flush as much water through as you can,
then encourage it to dry. Maybe this is incorrect advice for the space you
are talking about, though, so hopefully somebody with more experience can
help you. As for the garage floor, I haven't found anything that a bag of
cheap kitty litter won't soak up.

Anyhow, be thorough with cleaning the car: the only serious rust problem I
have seems to have been where a DPO spilled tons of fluid all over the brake
master cylinder area. I don't know how it happened, unless he had a gallon
size jug and just turned it over in a funnel, then went to bed. Anyhow,
stripped the paint and everything else in that part of the engine
compartment and all down the "frame" piece.

My question is, how do I best dispose of brake fluid? I assume that just
catching it in the oil catcher is not the ideal solution, or is it? What
about other fluids? Tranny fluid, for example? Can I just mix it all
together and take it to AutoZone, or should it all be separate and just

- Topless Smurf ('75 MGB):
Mark Dawson
The Roundtown Cafi
Personal Web Page

        234 N. Court St., Circleville, Ohio, 43113

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