Liberia alows multiple registration of ships for the same reason. Only one ship
is in port at
a time. Hard to track what is realy being shipped.
Larry Hoy wrote:
> Kelvin Dodd said:
> >The point is that the factory records and recollections are vague enough
>that all kinds of
> possibilities exist.
> >
> > Anyone who believes that the history of MG is etched in stone, hasn't
>taken the time to
> turn the stone over to see what crawls out.
> Take this for what it's worth. A friend in Denver worked for Hollywood
>Sportscar (in
> Hollywood ... duh) back in the middle 60's, a British car dealership. He was
>a young man,
> in charge of the parts department. The owner of Hollywood Sportscar
>campaigned many MGBs in
> the local Southern California race circuits. My friend insists that MG
>shipped 5 MGB cars
> to Hollywood Sportscar that were to be prepped for racing, all with the same
>serial number.
> Not by mistake. The idea is you qualify a car, and have several "identical"
>backups. One
> breaks you use the next one, no one knows the difference ... one goes through
>scrutiny ...
> one doesn't. Get the picture? He swears this is a true story.
> Larry Hoy
> Plan on attending the 49th Annual Glenwood Rallye
/// mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)