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Intermittent electrical problem -- help!

To: MGs <>
Subject: Intermittent electrical problem -- help!
From: "Mark A. Wise" <>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 00:33:59 -0400 (EDT)
Hi everyone...  I have a strange electrical problem with my 1980 MGB that
I hope someone can help me diagnose. 

Some of the dash instruments and switches are not working -- however it's
not all of them, and it's not all the time.  The items that do work all
the time are: the clock, oil pressure gauge, horn, and speedometer.  The
ones that do not work (about half the time) are the temperature indicator,
tachometer, fuel gauge, turn signal switch, and windshield wiper switch.
Also, the cooling fan does not come on when the instruments aren't
working.  I'm sure that there is some common switch or fuse among these
intermittent items, but I can't seem to find it.  

>From looking at the wiring diagram in the Hayes manual, it looks like it
could be the instrument voltage stabilizer.  ???  I have no idea where
this is located on the car, though.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

- mark

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