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Re: What are you going to do?

To: <>
Subject: Re: What are you going to do?
From: Aaron Whiteman <>
Date: Sun, 6 May 2001 22:03:40 -0700 (PDT)
On Fri, 4 May 2001, Max Heim wrote:

> on 5/4/01 11:02 AM, Aaron Whiteman at wrote:
> >
> > I am going to fix the exhaust leak that resulted from hitting the pipe
> > a bit hard on a set of railroad tracks next to the University, and
> > then I am going to do what is proper.  Drive.
> >
> > I am going to Chelan this weekend to visit with my brother (who is
> > racing his mountain bike this weekend).  Anybody know how to get a 21"
> > Specialized in a B?
> I've seen bikes lashed to the luggage rack. If you don't have a rack I
> suppose you can remove both bike wheels and cram it all behind the seats --
> top down, of course.

Ahh, the weekend is all but over.  Didn't get my exhaust leak fixed
like I thought I would.  Apparently, the RR track wrenched on the
header a bit, the leak has developed into quite a noisy monster, but
at least I have figured out where it appears to be at (rear exaust
port, right where the header meets the head).  I have the stock
exhaust manifold for the HIF4's, perhaps I will just go to that.

Now, to the real part of my post:  I ended up not taking my bike (just
didn't have the time to figure out how to lash it in place), and
regretted it.  Chelan was beautiful, but dusty.  really dusty.

However, I got the chance to look at how a Thule rack would fit on my
luggage rack (not very well actually) by stealing it from the
brother's Subaru.  I got two other suggestions though, so I haven't
given up.  On the downside, the Universal rack that Moss carried in
MGB-14 appears to be missing in MGB-15.

As for cramming it behind the seat, not a chance.   This frame won't
even fit in the passenger seat, let alone in the space that would be
shared with the hood.

Oh, and I saw 3 other LBC's  neener neener :)
A yellowish non-MG, but definately British roadster, whose occupants
had the hood down, but didn't wave (but thats ok, I didn't either).
A green non-MG (Triumph I think, but I am not good at guessing cars),
that was 3 cars ahead of me in Wenatchee traffic.  No wave here
either, but I would guess they didn't see me.
And finally, the embarrassing one:  1 Brown RBB.  Hood up in 70 degree
weather.  I waved (over the windscreen of course), but have no clue if
the driver waved back.

Not a bad 516 miles.  However, I think I am going to take a shower and
see how brown the water turns.  I hope others had better luck
mechanically, and at least as much fun on the road as I did!

Aaron Whiteman - email me with the subject 'PGPKey' for pgpkey
   RCW 19.190 notice: This address is located in Washington State.
 My opinions are mine and do not reflect the views of the University.

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