You didn't mention what vehicle or year. That said...
I was able to successfully put a DIN Sony into my '78 MGB. There was
enough clearance (just enough), and the only real problem was that the
opening for the previous radio had rounded corners which had to be filed
back - easy enough as they were plastic, it probably took me longer to find
the damned file than it did to install the radio/cd player. The DPO had
screwed up his wiring, but I don't count that as something you'd encounter
(then again, maybe you would).
Only real caution is that the heater control cable snakes down, so you have
to move it out of the way in order to get the player all the way back.
One suggestion would be to get one with a lot of wattage, or some small amp
to add in. The wind noise and engine noise from driving at 4500 RPM at 80
mph makes it nearly impossible to hear anything clearly. Too little
continuous wattage and the speakers distort and you can't hear them. I
ended up buying a small amp, but if I was doing it again I'd just get me a
powerful player to begin with.
- Tab
At 04:00 PM 4/13/01 -0700, Garner, Joseph P. wrote:
>hi everyone,
>Does anyone know off-hand the depth of the space behind the dash for
>mounting a radio/cd player. Also, has anyone ever tried mounting oversized
>speakers (6 1/2") in the doors rather than the regular 4" ones?
>any sage wisdom very much appreciated
>Dr. Joseph Garner
>University of California
>Department of Animal Science
>One Shields Avenue
>CA 95616
/// mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)