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Re: Why Kai Bought a Triumph

To: "David Lynes" <>
Subject: Re: Why Kai Bought a Triumph
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:36:47 -0500
> By the way, what happened to your private MG List?

My private MG List?  Are you confusing me with someone else?

> Kai, can you spell kill file? I'm not even going to use the delete key for
> you as I usually do.  What an attitude.

As you usually do?  So you also delete the messages I take the time to send
to the list that are full of useful information (granted there have been few
lately, very few threads that I have been interested in).  I am not a top
poster on the MG List anymore, certianly because I'd rather send a
meaningful reply than a message containing 8 new words and a 12 line sig
file and the entire content of the message being replied to.

> David Lynes, Woodstock, GA
> 73 Midget
> 78 MGB

Ah no wonder he is so upset!  David, how much have you contributed to the
list since 1995?  Aside from this flame, I mean?


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