This discussion brings up a question about naming conventions.
My '63 E-type used HS8 carbs -- three of them. As they
are 2" carbs, I assumed that the identification '8' referred to
something logical like eight quarter-inch increments as in
8/4" = 2", or similar logic. However, now I don't think that it
is that straight forward because the HS4 is a 1.5" throat carb
and the HS2 is a 1" throat carb. Is there any logic in this or
are the numbers just a progression as the throats get larger?
On the Italian car, the 40DCNF refers to 40mm venturi,
'D'own draught, 'CN' style carburetor fitted to a 'F'errari.
Perhaps I am just trying to read too much logic into the SU
device naming?
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