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Re: Which Club?

Subject: Re: Which Club?
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 21:32:05 EDT
In a message dated 09/06/2000 7:45:34 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<<  I find it baffling, but the overwhelming majority of
 people on the list are NOT NAMGBR members >>


   I too find it UTTERLY ludicrous that "folks" that want to be able to:
a]  depend on their cars;
b]  be able to drive anywhere, anytime;
c]  seek "friends" and/or "compadres";
d]  seek help and/or advice;

Do not belong to BOTH National Clubs.

As my heart and soul is in Healeys, one of the VERY first things I tell ANY 
new owner or prospective new owner is to join BOTH National Healey Clubs.  
The have about the same "differences" and "politics" as the MGB/Midget world 

In either case (Healey/MG), doesn't make a twit!!  BOTH offer different 
points of view.  Different "services".  Different "mags" (BOTH are excellent 
in their own right).
etc., etc., etc..  

I have been "country wide" in Hortense and have YET to not meet a Member of 
one Club or the other who has not been absolutly "a new great friend".

Second best money spent has been my memberships!!  PERIOD.

First??  Hortense THE Healey.

Third??  Bentley AND Haynes Shop Manuals.

Fourth??  Dan Master's new Electric T/S Manual (more to come).


         '63 BJ-7 (Hortense THE Healey)
         Founding Member, ILLINI Chapter - AHCA         
         Member, AHCUSA

         '73 Black Tulip MGB (Muriel)
         Member, NAMGBR
         Member, AMBGA
         Member, NAMGTR
         Member (6 other ones)

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