(Before I blow my top off my apologies to the list for posting my response
to Mr."SA Contacts" and his overzealous reaction.)
Good for you Ed, for taking the courage to answer to me directly. It was
about time!
Thanks to Graduate School in the US I can read, write and speak better than
your uneducated ass will ever get a chance.
I have to admit that Bud should have got my payment sooner and I publicly
apologies to him for causing havoc in his economy for the delay. I don't
live in the US and must mail things from way down south.
Nevertheless, we opted for posting our privet business on the list and thus
you found out (what a discovery for you DUH!) I'm sure there is more than
one JustBrits customer that has something to say about you Mr.Perfect.
I haven't the least idea where Stone Park or Berwyn are or who lives there.
Frankly, your "SA" contacts would not be able to collect shit if I decided to.
As I mentioned to you (although its not your "freakin" business) and Bud
privately BidPay tracking states "MO Mailed 7/08/00 US Priority Mail"
End of Story Mr. "I have SA Contacts" please!
Get some sleep you need it.
ZZZZZZ Enrique.