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Electric question

Subject: Electric question
From: Eric <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 23:07:04 +0000

I am fitting an electric fan to my 'B and I have a couple of questions.

1. When the diagram says connect the red lead directly to the battery,
any suggestions as to what is the best HOT point/wire I should look for
(no, I don't want to run the wire all the way down the back of the

2. Why is it that you only find that the bolts, that are designed to fit
through ANY radiator, to hold the fan are too short ONLY TWENTY MINUTES
BEFORE THE HARDWARE STORE CLOSES (and me with the radiator half out and
my other car not running)?

By the way, yes, I managed to put things back together enough to get to
the store to find some new longer bolts even though the packaging for
the fan says to be sure that these ones don't foul anything and cut them
back to size when you are finished - which, I assumed, esnured that they
would be long enough at least.

Grrrr, it is 11:00pm and I still do not have the fan working... just
gotta get power to it and we are away.  Oh yeah, it was certainly cold
enough today for the car to keep its cool without any fan... and it


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