Kevin if you have all the books listed then you are all set. Just be sure
you order all the parts you need at once, keep everything clean, and lube
everything before you assemble it.If you are unsure of the condition of
any of the parts you plan on reuseing, then take them to a machine shop
and have them measure them up for you. If you plan on replacing the cam
bearings then get precision bearings that don't need to be align bored. If
not then be prepared to pay big bucks to the machine shop.
On Tue, 7 Mar 2000, Kevin D Richards wrote:
> Ok, I am going to throw this one out to the list...
> I have completely disassembled my 1622 engine from my MKII MGA.
> I am going to rebuild the engine, but I would like to get the list's
> opinions on good books that they have read that really helped their
> rebuild along. I have just about every manual possible for MGB and MGA.
> Haynes MGA being the most thorough so far.
> I am not a novice, just someone who wants to do this right the first
> time.
> thanks for your input.
> Kevin Richards