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Re: North American MGB Register

Subject: Re: North American MGB Register
From: Charley & Peggy Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 1999 11:01:36 -0600

  I'm a member of NAMGBR and TMGR (Texas MG Register).  I like them
both.  NAMGBR is a bit provincial in that being based in the northeast,
it tends to focus itself on the north and east.  It also, as did you,
tends to focus on MG gurus from the NE.  I know that there are events
reported in the "Driver" that are held in other parts of the country but
the main focus is N and E.

  TMGR is based in the Dallas-Ft. Worth (DFW) area.  Its newsletter
reads like a DFW MG club, similar to the Alamo MG Association (AMGA) in
San Antonio, the club to which I belong.

  Nothing wrong with this of course, as long as folks recognise it.  But
I submit that there are plenty of people in other parts of the country
(take Lawrie) who know as much about MGs as those you mention.  I hate
to see them left out, especially when they are active in giving free
advice on this list.

  MAMGBR 8-3530

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