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MG's on The Rocks

To: "MG List" <>
Subject: MG's on The Rocks
From: Larry Macy <>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 20:02:53 -0400
Do I get to be first???

Just got back from the Rocks. As usual the MG's of Baltimore put o a 
great show. I started out at 6:30AM thismorning to catch up with the 
Phily MG club to cruise down together. (wish more of them were on the 
list) Nice cool morning. We joined up at McDonalds on Rt 1 and 202. Took 
off and head for the Rocks State Park. On the way the B in front of me (I 
was tail end Charlie in a line of 12 MG's) lost a headligh trim ring. I 
hammered the brakes and pulled over and grabbed it off the road side. 
Then ran an 85 mph sprint to catch up with the group. Last time I had the 
MIdget over 70 or 75 was last year coming home from the Rocks. WoooHooo. 
Right after I caught up one of the CB B's stopped as he need to put some 
H2O in the radiator. SO i took off to catch the rest of the group to let 
them know. Pulled up along side the road and found that one of the RB B's 
had run over a nail and was loosing air. We stopped and got that filled a 
few miles later. Got to the park and registered and fell into the parking 

Lots of cars. The non-MG group was the largest I had seen at the Rocks. 
But the MG field was great. Even had some of the former Best of Show cars 
from years past there to celebrate the 20th Rocks show. Got lots of votes 
(from list members) for my wounded daily driver but there were only 2 
awards so I didn't get any. Bummer :-). 

One of our Philly group got 2nd class err 2nd place in the early B group. 
Nice White 62 (I think). Was great to see a bunch of list buddies there. 
Jim, Mike, David, Gene, and others I am sure I missed. 

The B that had a rad leak found a rad from one of the vendors and put it 
in. Then we found that the water pump was leaking too. Found one at a 
vendor but David came to the rescue with one that we knew worked. So 
after pulling the rad AGAIN the new water pump was installed - with a 
little help from DD too. 

About that time they started handing out the awards. None for me :-( 
Gene's daughter won 2nd for for the LE they drove. Some other lister won 
something but I have no idea who that was - LOL. So I can't tell you. 

About 4 PM 4 of us Philly pholks headed for home. Beautiful day for a 
cruise. Not too muuch to worry about - the rad and water pump held like a 
charm. But remember the nail in the tire?? Reg had put his spare on and 
about the time we got to West Chester I noticed that it was pretty low. 
We pulled over and filled it up and it lasted about 20 miles. Flat again. 
Had to stop along I-476 (anyone from the Philly area can tell you - not a 
good place to stop). The spare was shredded. Had to put the nailed tire 
back on. Reg made it to his exit - about 3 miles and to a station to get 
more air. Guess he'll need a new spare. I got home shortly after and a 
good day was had by - nearly all. 

Again kudos to the MG's of Baltimore for a really good show. But what 
happened to the Diamond in the Rough category - I shoulda had it nailed!!


BTW bringing beer didn't help this time - was too hot to drink 
hehehehehehe. So I brought it home. 

Larry Macy
78 Midget

Keep your top down and your chin up.

Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104

In a world without walls or fences, what use do we have for windows or 

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