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Re: loss of power

To: "Art Pfenninger" <>,
Subject: Re: loss of power
From: "Lawrie Alexander" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 18:01:24 -0700
Usually a good suggestion but, in the case of Zenith-Stromberg-equipped
cars, not a good idea. The Z-S is jetted so that it will run really poorly
without the air cleaner element in place and all the metal bits properly

However, Z-S carbs are also prone to auto choke failure, so this could be
part of the problem. The "white smoke" (if that's what it is, and not water
vapor) is also an indication of brake fluid being burnt. If the master
cylinder is leaking past its seals into the booster, and if the booster is
on the fritz, the vacuum from the engine could be sucking in brake fluid,
which quickly causes a valve job to become needed - as well as making the
car run poorly.

British Sportscar Center

-----Original Message-----
From: Art Pfenninger <>
To: Scott/Michelle <>
Cc: <>
Date: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: loss of power

>I would start by taking out the air filter and see how it runs. A cloged
>filter will cause a problem like you describe.
>On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Scott/Michelle wrote:
>> Well it all started a few months back (six to be exact) when upon a crazy
>> whim I decided to buy the pretty 75B, and upon arrival at my house she
>> in a sad state of disrepair. With love and diligence I had tons of work
>> to her, by a friend who ia a great mechanic.....but specializes in VW's.
>> well now to her latest ailment. DPO says she was rebuilt 5000 miles ago,
>> then she sat....she sat and rotted for four glorious years...until we
>> our minds, and bought her. Well she burns almost as much oil as gas these
>> days, and has an extreme loss of power. We only have had  her on the
>> a short time...about a month. Upon acceleration she seems very sluggish,
>> of course there is the ever present white/blue smoke drafting from her
>> tailpipe like a cancerous flag waving in the wind of fate. My question is
>> this, where do I start to trouble shoot, it almost seems as if she isn't
>> getting the gas feed she needs, but she does accelerate, just very
>> Upon idle she kind of chugs, and shakes with a bitter rhythm. Before you
>> laugh yourselves to death just realize that my mechanical knowledge,
>> **though growing** is obviously limited to the problems I have had to fix
>> already...and this is a new one. I know most of you probably chuckle a
>> when you read my posts, and this guy for real....but hey I am
>> giving it a try, and trying like hell to keep this LBC going! *LOL*
>> Scott 75B
>> in need of a caretaker with a better set of tools, and more knowledge of
>> to use em!

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