It's true that even Santa Cruz Wire Wheel will tell you that, now (they
no longer accept wheels for repair, apparently). But just compare the
cost of 1 or 2 spokes and an hour's time to the cost of a new wire
wheel... pretty much HAVE to do it yourself. And I can't see buying one or
two new wheels a year, chrome ones at that... I'm not Bill Gates, yet --
MHO, of course.
Andrew Errington had this to say:
>it's quite possible that it is not worthwhile to repair the wheel. I expect
>many others on the MG list will tell you how to do it, but you should
>compare the cost of repair against the cost of a new one.
>My 0.02
>'69 B San Jose, CA
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []On
>> Behalf Of Dan Terlizzi
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 13:27
>> To:
>> Subject: wire wheel repair
>> Hello--
>> I have to replace several broken spokes on a wire wheel from my 72 MGB.
>> I would appreciate any pointers on this repair. Thanks very much in
>> advance--in several months of lurking I have learned a great deal from
>> this knowlegeable and friendly group.
>> Dan
>> 72 MGB (Red)
>> 86 Toyota Land Cruiser (white and rust, AKA a coastal two tone)
>> ********************************
>> Dan Terlizzi
>> Sea Grant Water Quality Specialist
>> Phone: 410-386-2760 Fax: 410-876-0132
>> "If there is magic on this planet it is found in water"...Loren Eisley
>> ********************************
Max Heim
Studio L'Image/San Francisco
415 643 9309 : 415 643 9307 fax
Studio L'Image/New York
212 242 3366 : 212 242 3399 fax