I'm still looking at the 78 B and plan to make an offer in the next day
or so. I got it to start yesterday by jumping off my 78 Olds. However,
once I disconnected the jumper cables, the B died. I could reconnect the
cables and re-start it, but it would die once I unhooked them. I didn't
have a voltmeter with me, and have also heard stories of batteries that
were just too dead to do any good. Inspection of the alternator area
showed wires leading in, and a 3-wire lead with a female plug leading
out. Also, there was a wire with a line fuse nearby that was missing its
fuse. I don't have a wiring diagram yet, but have ordered a Haynes
manual. Even if I don't buy the car I still have educational reading
Also, after the car had been running a few minutes, there seemed to be
some oil smoke coming from the area around the carb. I know someone
talked earlier about Stromberg o-rings. Could that be a problem?
Starting the car for the second time caused the exhaust to come loose at
the back of the big muffler. Quite a fitting July 4 tribute, I think.
This car has been sitting out at a dealership for about five years and
is looking pretty dingy even though there is no rust. That is why I'm
considering it even with all the other unknowns and possible faulty
brake system. Everyone was quite helpful when I asked about stopping
leaks; hopefully I'll be doing that in the near future. Thanks again,
-William Kil