Todd & Deb Tweedy wrote:
> I am checking with the hallowed halls of MG knowledge to correct my
> screaming brakes, I can't stand them any more! I haven't pulled any wheels
> yet, but am curious what to look for. They'll squeal shortly after you
> apply the petal, and if pump the petal sometimes they will quit. What
> should I look for?
> Thanks
> Todd 69'MGC
This is sometimes caused by dust between the brake shoes and drums. If you
are convinced it is coming from the front, it is usually the brake pads
"chattering" as you apply the brakes. Most auto parts stores have some sort of
stuff to quiet this. You have to start w/ clean pads and you
spray/daub/spread/dab/smear (read the directions- they all say something
different depending on the brand) on the steel backing plates. It seems the
goo stops the vibration.
Larry Dickstein
Lone Jack, MO