>> Speaking of 'Carfuel' I read today that someone in the US has invented
>> a non-flammable petrol that you can carry round in a can in the boot/
>> trunk without risk of fire.
>A non-flammable fuel? Surely that is impossible (or a contradiction in
>terms at least)?
>The stuff really *has* to be able to burn quite readily, doesn't it?!
As a vapor, yes, but not as a liquid. As I recall, most jet fuels have
additives that prevent them from burning except when properly atomized. As
a side note, the fuel used in the SR71 wouldn't even burn at room
temperature. This was a good thing, since those planes leaked a lot until
they heated up during flight and all the panels expanded.
Gasoline, or petrol as you people in the civilized world call it, isn't all
that dangerous in it's liquid state. I've been told that a hole in a fuel
tank could be welded if the tank was full. Kids, don't try this at home.
Calvin Krug