I reread my post thanks to Chris Nevard replying. I realized that I had
stated to open the points to .025 or wider. Oops! That should be open the
plugs to .025 or wider if you have ignition mods (hot coil for instance).
Please don't open your points up that far! I had set the A points at .020
after an attempt to adjust them in a parking lot after which it started
missing under load and at high rpm. I also had to retard the timing
because when the gap is wider the points open sooner. I have now fixed the
gap but I did not advance the timing again so it sounds a little flat. I
time by ear and it seems that starter kickback when hot is the limiting
factor on the A with the stock advance curve running premium fuel.
Sorry for the bad information. As a penance, I will go test drive a
Tr*umph or pet a cat or something equally distasteful.
Bill Eastman
61 MGA which would not run well with .025 point gap but likes .025 plug gap
just fine.