On Mon, 29 Jun 1998 06:51:23 EDT miker15@juno.com writes:
>I thought you all might like to share this little gem....
>--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
>From: JustBrits@aol.com
>To: miker15@juno.com
>Subject: Re: HIF problems
>Cause you can't read (S**t how can you understand e-mail?) !!
>Oh yeah, that info is found in another area you are not familiar
>with - MANUELS !!
>--------- End forwarded message ----------
>True - Im not really familiar with Manuels, I did meet a Paco once,
>and then there was Jose who i worked with a few years ago - and
>of course Enrique from the list..........
Hey Mike,
You seem to correspond with a really bright bunch of folks.
I do think I met "Manuel" once. If memory serves (problematical, given
advanced state of OFdom) his last name was Labor.
Rick Morrison
74 Midget