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Re: update - pathetic hobby part

To: MG Mailing List <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: update - pathetic hobby part
From: Steve Bettencourt <>
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 08:20:09 -0500
ISO-S/DWF 25-45 w/ MG, any year or model. Please send picture of MG.

Becky I hope you told her off! Then again, she just wouldn't get it anyway.

At 05:55 AM 5/30/98 -0500, Becky Mahoney <> wrote:
>BTW...I was recently told by another female that my hobby is pretty
>pathetic...sure glad I can be pathetic....makes my life a whole lot more
>enjoyable....I truly feel sorry for some of you who's SO haven't the
>sense to appreciate this 'pathetic' hobby.  I guess because I love the
>MG, I really didn't realize how much Sh_t you must take because of the
>narrow mindedness of some women who are obviously lacking in a true
>appreciation of the joys that life and love for a british car, and the
>people who love them, can bring into an otherwise sad existence.  
>Keep going the miles and wearing the smiles...I'm hoping to soon be
>joining the lucky ones who are already road happy!!!!  
>with a lack of dash and a pathetic hobby!
Steve Bettencourt
'79 MGB 
Steve's HotRod World

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