> Bill.......
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Elliott <William.Elliott@mail.mei.com>
> (SNIP)
> >Most Miata owners (except true enthusiasts using them
> >as an alternative to a generic commuter car) would not
> >consider owning an LBC. And vice versa.
> On what do you base that statement? Actual interviews with Miata owners?
> (How many?) Assumption? Prejudice?
> Would be interested in a serious answer. Making our living serving only
> British Cars (and having done so for the last umpteen years), we are
> concerned that daily use of LBCs is dwindling and are considering expanding
> our operation to include Miatas. Are we really going to have to keep their
> owners from seeing the LBCs in our shop?
> Lawrie
> British Sportscar Center
I'm with you. I think if more LBC owners went to Miata club
meetings with a friend and an open mind, they'd be suprised. My
in-laws are on their second Miata (traded up to a new M edition, not
because their first one died or anything), and are active in the Lone
Star Miata club in Dallas. I've gone with them to their meetings, in
my MGB, and participated in their fun runs and road trips. I've
never met a nicer bunch of people in my life, and they were very
curious about my MGB, and very appreciative of it. In comparison,
both of the British car clubs I've belonged to were made up almost
exclusively of over-forty white males and their spouses. Not bad
people, but not a very diverse cross-section, and they weren't
interested in talking about any cars other than British ones.
As for one reason why a lot of Miata owners wouldn't own an MGB, it
probably has something to do with the fact that they can get their
cars serviced down the street, under warranty, and they don't have to
keep up with the same amount of preventative maintanence to achieve
any given level of reliability as they would with an MGB. I know, I
know, MGs are just as reliable as Miatas, but you have to admit, you
won't find Miata owners filling carburetor dashpots, adjusting
points, refilling shock absorbers, lubing the chassis and handbrake
cable, adjusting carburetors, or any number of other recommended PM
that we have to do with our cars.