Not that I know ANYTHING about these vehicles, but, I'm a voracious reader
of all things automotive:
1. Both are/were made by Rover
2. The Land became Range, when leather seats, stereos, AC, etc, were deemed
neccesary accessories, or somewhere around that time...sorta like turning a
Dairy farm into a Horse "ranch" --purpose is the same, just different
animals in the house and the barn...
3. As per above, the body design became more refined, as did the interior,
when land became range, but the chassis, in functionality, remained somewhat
the same.
4. The price increased, not because land became range, but because the
range requirements were so much more while keeping the chassis'
functionality the same, as well as the fancy shmancy label applied as a
requirement of the horse rangers as opposed to the cow landers.
5. As for the technical engine stuff...take off the modern stuff that can't
be fixed in the Congo, and you'll have generally the same thing.
'96 Chevy 4X4 Tahoe 2 door, thankyou very much