John J. Peloquin wrote:
> Dear Mike,
> What is a simple lineman's splice?
> On Fri, 13 Feb 1998, Mike Lishego wrote:
> =%Otighten the female end of the connection. That way the connection is clean
>and tight.
> =%O For splicing wires, use a simple lineman's splice as opposed to the
>pigtail method.
> =%OBe sure to use shrink fit tubing instead of tape...It'll be much safer,
>last longer,
> =%Oand keep the 'factory' appearance of your wiring...Good luck, if you use
>your good
> =%Osense, you'll be just fine...I know you have good sense, you bought an MG!
> =%O
> =%O--
> =%OMichael S. Lishego
> =%OSt. Andrews Presbyterian College
> =%OElementary Education Major,
> =%OEnglish Minor, Class of 1999
> =%OR.A. of Winston-Salem Hall
> =%O
> =%O
> "Never ascribe to Malice that which can be explained by Ignorance"
> John J. Peloquin
> Molecular Biology &
> Biochemistry
> 3205 BioSciences II
> Irvine, CA 92697-3900
As far as I know, a pigtail splice is where the two wires a held
together like two fingers next to each other and the bare wire ends are
twisted together. A linesman's splice is one where the two wires are
positioned end to end and the exposed bare wire ends are twisted so that
the twisted portion remains in line with the wire.
Eric Zambori