I have one of the Genesis covers from Moss for my GT, which works fairly well
in the damp. I generally throw a cheap plastic tarpaulin over it when it is
parked outside for extended periods, both to add to the weather protection, and
because it's easier to clean bird droppings off the plastic. The cover keeps
the tarp from rubbing the paint off the top of the GT in the wind..
Jerry Causey
> Technalon material is not completely waterproof, which I find disapponting.
> All the covers I've seen claim to breath, which is short for not waterproof.
> This is probably a good thing if you're putting the cover over a wet car, but
> not so good for keeping the car dry in a rain storm. Oh, it does a good job at
> keeping morning dew and frost off. But, after a hard rain storm the MGB
> actually stays wet longer than my uncovered sedan! Does anybody make a
> completely waterproof cover? If they did would I like it? I can't put it in my
> garage because it only holds one car and the TD has seniority.
> Bob Donahue (Still stuck in the '50s)