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Re: MGB Covers

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: MGB Covers
From: Bob MGT <>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 1997 00:44:13 EST
In a message dated 97-12-20 10:27:16 EST, you write:

 DANIEL RAY wrote:
 > Listers,
 > I know I asked about this before, but does anyone have any suggestions for
a good, "fitted" cover for an MGB? Vicky Brit is the only one I've seen them
in of all the catalogs I have. Any suggestions? If I buy the MGB I'm looking
at, immediate protection will be a concern! >>

I have the Technalon model from Moss. It fits very nicely and has a couple
eyelets that you can tie together with a cord under the car. I use a bungie
cord for this and it keeps the sides of the cover nice and taunt. The
Technalon material is not completely waterproof, which I find disapponting.
All the covers I've seen claim to breath, which is short for not waterproof.
This is probably a good thing if you're putting the cover over a wet car, but
not so good for keeping the car dry in a rain storm. Oh, it does a good job at
keeping morning dew and frost off. But, after a hard rain storm the MGB
actually stays wet longer than my uncovered sedan! Does anybody make a
completely waterproof cover? If they did would I like it? I can't put it in my
garage because it only holds one car and the TD has seniority.

Bob Donahue (Still stuck in the '50s)
52 MGTD - under DIY restoration NEMGTR #11470
71 MGB   - AMGBA #96-12029, NAMGBR #7-3336


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