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Re: New to list, first Q: MGF?

To: Nory <>
Subject: Re: New to list, first Q: MGF?
From: Mike Hartley <>
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 00:47:41 -0500

You have a good point, one I have tried to figure out myself.  The only
explanation that I can offer is that the target market for all of the
new "roadsters" is the US.  I would bet that BMW, Mercedes, and Porsche
get almost all of their sales from the US market.  Maybe the market
share in Europe is small enough that BMW does not have to worry too much
about the MG taking the Z-3's sales.  Also, do you think it might be
possible that the MGF exists mainly to wet the American apetite for the
new MG that is rumored to hit the US market in the next few years?

On a different note, I have just found out that I will be in Europe in
December, specifically Paris and London.  I am going to make every
effort to put my butt behind the wheel of an MGF while I am there.  I
will report if I am successful!


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