>I'm a little late, but it kind of snuck up on me this year. The Watkins
>Glen (Upstae NY) Vintage Grand Prix is this weekend. This features 10+
>races all weekend plus a car show at the track plus Friday the town of
>Watkins Glen shuts down for big doins. These include things like a
>Glenkhana, car show, Concours, parades of the old race route through town
>(both street cars and the vintage racers get a turn), live music, etc.
>It's my favorite event! Anyway, I have no details this year, but I saw it
>in the Moss Motoring I just received and wanted to pass it along. There
>is a web page: www.theglen.com
>Tom, '60 MGA 1600 (I'll be there, the car -> probably not)
Did you mean this PAST weekend? Or next weekend? (Sept 6-7?)
I was in Watkin's Glen this past weekend, for a motorcycle rally. I really
don't like Watkin's Glen, it was kinda lame...but the region is nice.
Although I did see 12 British Car thru my 3 day trip.
Triumphs: TR3A, GT6 (forsale), Spitfire
MGs: 1973 MGB, two 1975+ Midget, 1969 MGB GT, Silver 75+ MGB, MG T series,
Midget bodyshell (maybe with engine)...1962-68 MGB. And a blue rubber
bumper that drove at 55MPH thru POURING RAIN, topless!!! (that is a real
MG nut)
Kai Radicke -- mowogmg@pil.net, 1966 MGB @ http://www.pil.net/~mowogmg
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