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Re: New MGs and Minis in America?

To: The Richards <>
Subject: Re: New MGs and Minis in America?
From: Kai Radicke <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 06:52:31 -0400
> One of the reasons Rover has trotted out to defend the non-return of MG to
>the states is the lack of a dealer network, and legal problems left by B-L
>(exactly what were those problems?). They claim the Land-Rover network is
>too small and 4X4 specific to adequately sell other models. 

Once again, why don't we (the enthusiasts) start some sort of dealer
network?  I would still think it is better to completely buy MG.   They are
still plenty of private dealerships that used to sell MGs, or willing to
sell them.  I can think of a few dealers in PA that are privately owned and
even thought they sell Chevy, etc. as main cars...they'll happily get you a

> Add BMW and the canabalizing effect of the F upon the Z3(esp. the 4 banger
>Z) and it one can see that Bimmer was unlikely to alter that at this time.
>However, BMW has said that ALL cars developed from now on would be designed
>for the world market. That's not exactly an "MG will be sold in the US"
>statement, but pretty damned close. My personal preference would be that F
>like cars would be the domain of BMW, and something a bit more basic and
>truly sportscar like would be the domain of MG. The Elise is more MG than
>the F -- IMHO. 
> Chrysler is the most exciting of the American car companies. Everytime I
>see a mini-van, which I loathe, I still smile a bit, knowing all the Vipers,
>Prowlers and Copperheads they are subsidizing.

And don't forget the Chysler Atlantic...that is a cool car!

Kai M. Radicke -- @ 1966 MGB --
Dialogue Internet -- Intelligent Internet Solutions 

Free Citizen Ship to the KMR (Kai's Military Republic), Passport included.

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