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Re: Painting

To: Jurgen Hartwig <>,
Subject: Re: Painting
From: Ross Overcash <>
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 1997 16:51:43
At 06:53 PM 7/7/97 -0500, Jurgen Hartwig wrote:
>At 06:19 PM 7/7/97 -0400, Arthur Pfenninger wrote:
>>      Strange but I won't argue, how fast did it dry? Lacquer will dry
>>in 5 minutes or less. Your point was well taken $50 sure beats $500.
>>Another place to avoid is Maco. A good paint job will start at $1000. Any
>>thing else you'll probably regret.
>Funny this should come up.  There was a thread on the
>newsgroup about Maaco and other low dollar paint shops.  It seems that many
>agreed that you can actually get quite nice results from these shops if you
>spend the time to prep the car properly.  For the MGB, consider removing
>all chrome, and lighting and bumpers as well as the top and windshield if
>possible.  Do the bondo work and priming, and essentially bring the car to
>them, ready for a simple cleaning and then a paint job.  
>After you get the car back, just start working on the car; wet sanding,
>buffing, polishing.  Consider how much time you would spend working on a
>car performing prep work, as well as time spent buffing and polishing, and
>realize that each hour of your time might be worth, oh, say, $25/hour
>conservatively.  The consider the cost of the paint job: maybe $200.  I
>think this would not be a bad avenue to explore, certainly not for the
>concours restoration, but more likely for the daily driver.
>Any comments???
Jay there was a thread a while back on this list that supported your
theory.  I also have a friend who had his Monte Carlo painted at MACO.
Excellent job, but it wasn't one of the $200 specials.  I believe he droped
about $2000 including having the special decals and pinstriping put back on!!

Ross Overcash, 74B, NAMGBR 2-1172, Ayer, MA.

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