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Re: Painting

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Painting
From: Aron Travis <>
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 17:45:13 -0700
Jay Quinn wrote:
> Speaking of good paint jobs, my buddy with his 72 Porsche 911 is getting
> his painted by a concours quality restorer.  The paint job he is getting is
> not the concours top end, but a nice paint job none the less.  Some body
> work on the fenders..
> It will cost him @ 6 - 10K. 

Do you know how many abandoned lbc's I could buy with 6K?
At least enough to cause the wifes head to explode, and a visit from the
zoning board.
-Aron Travis-
"always in a automotive frenzy"

P.S. Dem Porsche nuts is NUTS!

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